The Iranian Hostage Crisis, is what I believe to be the single greatest incident in which Islamic Militants realized that the United States was a “paper tiger” and was unwilling to use military force to defend this country or citizens abroad whose lives were in danger. President Carter did a great disservice to this Country by his inactions. President Carter did allow one military operation to take place to try to rescue our hostages. This operation resulted in disaster for the United States as the aircraft being used to supply men and equipment for a raid on the Embassy, crashed into each other in the Iranian desert, killing 8 servicemen and injuring 3 others. The morning after the debacle in the desert, on April 11, 1980 gleeful Iranians broadcast footage of the smoking remains of the rescue attempt, a stark symbol of American impotence.
I want to move on to another reason (one among many) as to why America is dying and that reason is Political Correctness. Take for instance when the United States Embassy was taken over in Tehran, Iran on November 4, 1979 by Islamic Militants. I call them Islamic Militants because that’s what they were then and that’s what they are today. Yet, from some of the news story of the day, here are some examples of how the media in this country portrayed these Islamic Militants:
· militant university students
· young Islamic revolutionaries
· Iranian students
· revolutionary students
The media portrayed these Islamic Terrorists as “students” or “revolutionaries” but rarely did you see the words “Islamic Terrorists” printed together in the media or referred to by the broadcast media as such. This is a type of political correctness that is killing America today.
There used to be a time when a person who was in a wheelchair was called “handicapped” or a person with a mental disability was called “retarded”. There used to be a time when African-Americans were called black people or people with slanted eyes were called Chinese or Japanese. There used to a time when a spade was called a spade. Not any more. If any person refers to someone with a mental disability as “retarded” they are tarred and feathered. How in the world can anyone be so insensitive as to call someone retarded? No don’t get me wrong, I agree that calling someone retarded might seem a bit harsh and that some political correctness is actually good for society. But when it comes to today’s enemies and the fight of our lives, political correctness is killing America. We have politicians who claim that there is “no war on terror” that the phrase is nothing more than a “bumper sticker phrased”. We have politicians who visit countries with known terrorist ties, countries that support and provide arms and other weapons to terrorist organizations. Why would a high ranking politician visit the country of Syria? For no other reason that to attempt to make the current President, George Bush, look bad and to appease the left wing fringe who many of the democrats are beholden to. The Bush Presidency is one of the most hated administrations in history. It all stems from the Presidential elections of 2000 when then Vice President Al Gore ran for the Presidency. The state of Florida had some voting problems and Gore insisted he had won the state; however, it became clear that he had decidedly lost. Does losing an election mean that Gore would concede defeat? Not in a million years. Not only did Gore not concede defeat, he challenged through the courts the validity of the Florida election in hopes that he might get a sympathetic judge to rule in his favor. But his hopes were dashed when the U. S. Supreme Courts validated the Florida election results, thus agreeing that George Bush had indeed won the Presidency fair and square. From this day on, certain segments of this society and several politicians have come down with a sickness that has been termed “Bush Derangement Syndrome”. We have politicians who work hard every day to usurp the Presidents authority; align themselves with the far left wing fringe groups; and seemingly echoing the words and thoughts of public enemy number 1 Bin Laden. Take a look at the most recent tapes released and compare the words of Bin Laden with those of Durbin, Pelosi, Murtha, Reed, Edwards among many other politicians. It is unbelievable that we have elected officials that are determined to and working in concert with Islamic Terrorists to drag this country down. Have they lost sight of what their elected positions are to be used for? How can they hate the United States so much yet many of them are millionaires and made their money from corporations, which they are against as well. But they hate this Country. Just listen to them when the open their mouths and the poisonous comments and words that emanate into the air. These are the same people who refuse to believe that Islamic Terrorists actually want to kill every American unless they submit to Islam. These people feel that if we appease Islamic Terrorists; denounce our President and our Country (even when on foreign soil in a known terrorist sponsoring State) that somehow the terrorists are going to leave us alone and no "bother us" anymore. These are the same people who fight every day so that at our nations airports, the 80 year old grandma from Kansas is treated with the same suspicions as the 20 year old Egyptian male. How do we as a country allow this to happen? How do we not take every Arab person who wants to board an airplane and screen them in detail every time they fly? We don't do it because we don't want to "profile" anyone. We don't want to give the appearance that we are targeting Arab males. I ask, why not? Why not target Arab males at airports? It is the common sense thing to do and we all know it but we as a Country won't do it because of the very reasons I just listed. We all know that as we sit in an airport and we look around and see someone who looks Arab, we all have the same thoughts; but we don't dare speak those thoughts out loud, do we? We don't want to be the racist; the bigot; the big bad profiling bully, do we? C'mon folks, get a grip on reality. This is the kind of political correctness that is going to be the death of America. We as a Country need to profile specific people at our nations airports and it is for very obvious reasons why we need to do this. If anyone, and I mean anyone can provide me with a description of the 9-11 hijackers that doesn't include the words "Arab", "male", "young", then let them come forward and I will publish a public apology for the stance I am taking on this issue. Fact is, no one can describe the 9-11 hijackers differently because they were all Arab; they were all males and they were all relatively young. Now, are some innocent Arab people going to be screened in detail and have to suffer some inconvenience because of this suggestion? Yes, they are. But aren't we all suffering additional inconveniences NOW because of what happened on 9-11? Political correctness is going to be the death of America and our courts; our politicians; and the media are standing in the way of the common sense approach to the problems of America from being addressed in the fashion that they should be addressed.
Let me be the first to say this out loud and I believe this with all my heart; Islam is not the religion of peace; The Prophet was a brutal murderer; a thief; a rapist; and a bloodthirsty animal on the same level as Attila the Hun; Hitler; Mussolini; Stalin. If you care to argue this point do me a favor first; read the Qaran; read a book called "The Truth about Mohamed" and read a book called "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam" and them come argue with me about my assertions concerning the Prophet. If you read those books, you won't argue with me; you'll be agreeing with me. But in this Country we don't want to admit that Islam is a violent religion; we don't want to appear that we are "against" Islam; we don't want to stand up and do the right things to save our lives and save this Country.
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