Thursday, September 13, 2007

More Political Correctness Comments

As I've been saying in previous posts, political correctness is going to be the death of America as we know it. I fear that my 2 year old daughter is going to end up in a country under Sharia Law and wearing a burka. Here is more of my viewpoint on how and why this is going to happen: We as a nation are afraid to extend our finger at a group or individual and state firmly "you are my enemy". Case in point; Islamic Terrorist. Recently British Prime Minister Gordon Brown instructed his ministers to stop using the phrase "war on terror" . How long is it going to be before the Democrats in Washington follow his lead and enact law banning the use of this phrase? Recently the EU passed resolution banning the phrase "Islamic Terrorism". According to the EU Observer the reason for this is “to avoid the use of words that could unnecessarily offend Muslims and spark radicalization.” Political Correctness, European style! For God's sake, a cartoon sparked radicalization in the Muslim community peppered throughout Europe. Remember the people of the "Religion of Peace" and how they burned cars, burned buildings. Even CNN at the bottom of the article states "CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam". Political Correctness again. A cartoon folks. A drawing of a cartoon character and the Religion of Peace goes berserk and torches half or Europe.
So out of political correctness, most major media outlets won't publish a cartoon. But most of them would have no problem I'm sure of publishing a cartoon of Christ on the cross, right? And I'll be that Christians wouldn't riot, kill and burn property if a picture like that were to be published. The United States has taken the stance that we don't want to upset anyone, for any reason. Why are we so afraid of calling our enemy by its name: Islamic Terrorism. Islam is at war with the United States. Islam has basically taken over Europe which is on the edge of becoming a huge Islamic State. I would predict that within a generation, there will be no country of Sweden; no country of Denmark; no country of Norway. All those Scandinavian countries will be Islamic states within a generation, maybe sooner. And it is because those countries bend over backwards to placate the Islamic population that resides in their country. The same way the United States is headed; placating Muslims in this country so as not to offend them. I don't care if a terrorist at Gitmo is tortured. Good! Get the information from them before they kill me or my daughter. I don't care what means are used to extract the information; the only important thing is that we get the information in time to save lives. The media in this country, the left, and the lawyers are all working to get us killed by meddling in these military affairs.
If you want to get a real grasp on the extent of the political correctness in this country, read this article from USA Today. It is amazing to me that the ACLU will vigorously fight to keep Christian prayer out of public schools, yet they remain silent and inactive on the issue of the Religion of Peace being practiced in our public schools. Here's another article from World News Daily concerning the teaching of Muslim religion in our public schools. Why are we afraid to stop the Muslim religion from hijacking our public schools? Why does the terrorist group C.A.I.R. provide sensitivity training to the F.B.I.? Sensitivity training? We're not supposed to offend terrorists? You mean in the same way they don't offend us when they are cutting off the heads of Americans and posting it all over the internet for the world to see? We are so afraid to offend the Muslim's that we are willing to surrender our children to them? Not me. Never. I do not fear Muslim's and if need be, I will defend myself from them and my family at any cost. I for one will stand up and say Islamic Terrorists are my enemy and I will take measures to ensure that my country will not, cannot be hijacked by this so called Religion of Peace.

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